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December Member Showcase

Thanks to our members who came out to share their interests and talents with us. Thanks to Patricia Pleli who took us on a tour of London England's spectacular holiday lights displays. It was a great to pleasure to hear the philosophy and musical talents of Phil Beaudoin. Watch the short video for a taste of what you may have missed.

Field Nats Unite! Nature Brings Three Neighbouring Clubs Together

By Jeremy Hatt Earlier in the year, President of the West Elgin Nature Club (WENC), Kelly-Sue O’Connor, reached out to the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club (ECFNC) suggesting we have a Zoom call to share strategies for increasing membership engagement in our respective Clubs. The Membership Committee agreed that this was a great opportunity and began to plan a meeting time but Kelly-Sue then suggested something even better: why not include the Sydenham Field Naturalists [...]

Little River Enhancement Group – History of the Logo

By Ian Naisbitt Our Crest is a 12 Spotted Skimmer Dragonfly. “Twelve-spotted Skimmers are fast and agile. If given time to count, one would see a total of twelve brown-black spots on all four wings of the male - three on each one. Between these black spots sit eight bright white spots that may even appear light blue. White smudges also appear next to the body. The female and immature males have the twelve brown-black [...]

ECFNC Annual Dinner – 40th Anniversary

By Aileen Petrozzi Great food, great speaker and great company! We couldn’t have asked for anything else. November 16th our members and non members enjoyed our Annual Dinner and Auction at St Mary’s Hall in Maidstone.  We celebrated our 40th Anniversary as a club with speaker, Adam Shoalts.  He discussed his book “Where the Falcon flies”. The Auction was a success producing over $2300 for the Heritage fund.  We would like to thank all the [...]

Essex County Nature Building Community: Collaborations with the Windsor Feminist Bird Club

By Jeremy Hatt One of the goals of the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club Membership Committee recently has been to develop and strengthen connections with other naturalist groups and organizations in the region. One of these organizations is the Windsor Feminist Bird Club, a local Chapter of the Feminist Bird Club, which is a global network with the following mission: “promoting inclusivity in birding while fundraising and providing a safe opportunity for members of the [...]

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