25th Annual ECFNC Weekend Trip to Pelee Island, Ontario. Saturday May 4 & Sunday May 5, 2019.
Written by Dave Kraus for The Egret – Issue 35 – Volume 1
Leave at 10:00 am Saturday from Leamington Dock aboard the M.V. Pelee Islander II (be at the dock by 9:20 am). We will return to Leamington Dock by 5:45 pm Sunday.
We will likely see: migrating waterfowl & warblers, wildflowers such as trilliums & waterleaf, basking turtles and snakes, bullfrogs, historic sites, and hear a chorus or two of American Toads, to suggest a few of the many enjoyable experiences on Pelee Island in spring. We should also get a chance to visit the Pelee Island Bird Observatory (PIBO bird banding station) and some of the recently acquired Nature Conservancy of Canada properties: Red Cedar Savannah ESA, Stone Road Alvar ANSI, Brown’s Point and Woods, and Brown’s Road Alvar. We will have plenty of time to walk, observe, and relax on the excursions to some of Pelee’s most beautiful natural habitats, including: Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve, Lighthouse Point Provincial Nature Reserve, the Stone Road Alvar Complex, Sheridan Point ESA, and many other stops along the way (including natural habitat restoration work completed on my property).
Should we experience inclement weather, we can visit the Pelee Island Heritage Centre, tour the island in the comfort of our rented bus and/or lounge at the Anchor and Wheel Inn.
I have arranged for bus transportation while on the island – no other vehicles are necessary on the trip. There is parking at the Leamington Dock area. I have reserved space on the ferry for all registered, walk on passengers attending this trip – we will meet in the ticket office at the dock on Saturday morning by 9:30am.
Accommodations have been reserved at the Anchor and Wheel Inn. The motel and bed and breakfast style rooms are rustic, but comfortable and are situated on spacious grounds. Reservations are generally set for two persons per room. However, people do not need to register in pairs or groups – everyone is welcome and will be accommodated based on their wishes and room availability.
The Anchor and Wheel Inn contains a clean and comfortable restaurant where I have arranged for our delicious meals. We will break for meals regularly (lunch at noon and dinner at 5:45 pm on Saturday, breakfast at 8:30am and lunch at 12:45pm Sunday) and hot meals and snacks are also available on both ferry crossings.
All interested persons need to do is: sign up with me and then show up at the Leamington Dock by 9:20 am Saturday morning with warm outdoor clothes and accessories, overnight necessities, $210 cheque (payable to David Kraus) or cash per person, and a few additional dollars for extra snacks, etc. if desired. The trails are elevated and dry, but you may wish to bring along rubber boots to access some swampy areas on my property and at the bird banding station, especially if it has been rainy. Carl will hopefully arrange for good weather as usual!!
I will contact each person that registers should any time or location changes for the ferry occur, otherwise the above outline is the basic schedule, rain or shine. I will hand out detailed schedules on the Saturday morning ferry trip, but with our own driver and rented bus, we can be flexible and able to visit various sites depending on the weather and the group’s wishes
To register for this trip: see me at the ECFNC meetings, call, or email/text:
Dave Kraus phone: 519 825 7491 (leave message)
E-mail address:
Text: (519) 257-8674
I look forward to your company on this ECFNC outing!!!
Photos of wildlife and a group on Pelee Island enjoying the trip. Photo credit: Dave Kraus.
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