About Us:
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club is a non-profit, open-to-the-public volunteer organization that focuses on promoting the conservation and restoration of the diverse natural heritage of Essex County and the surrounding region. We also strive to provide educational opportunities for the people of Essex County to become acquainted with and better understand the natural environment.
Organized in 1984 and incorporated in March 1985, the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club is a volunteer organization affiliated with Ontario Nature and the Canadian Nature Federation (CNF). The membership consists of people interested in nature and our local environment. Members come from various backgrounds; some work professionally in the fields of conservation and education, while others are people who wish to explore and learn about Essex County’s nature.
Our Core Objectives:
The Club in Action:
The E.C.F.N.C. is involved in many areas of conservation, exploration and education. So go grab your binoculars… the seasons are short and there is so much to see! Come join us for nature walks, guest speakers, the Great Canadian Birdathon, Christmas Bird Counts, Eastern Blue Bird Trail Monitoring, Festival of Hawks, bird & amphibians surveys, butteryfly counts and much more!