Field Trips

Tom and Kory’s Great Adventure

By |2017-01-11T19:13:49-05:00February 22nd, 2014|Field Trips, Save Ojibway Shores|


On Sunday February 16, Tom Preney and Kory Renaud lead a hike through the Ojibway shores property as part of our continued effort to survey the species present on the property. The chilly afternoon started out sunny, clouded over during the hike and yet more snow was falling by the end of our adventure.
The swift current on the river allowed for some open water and good numbers of waterfowl were present, including Scaup, Goldeneye and Mergansers. The group was excited to see 3 Glaucous Gulls! Here is our species list for the day:

1. Canada Goose (2)
2. Mute Swan (11)
3. Canvasback (40)
4. Redhead (4)
5. Greater Scaup (125)
6. Common Goldeneye (40)
7. Common Merganser (50)
8. Red-breasted Merganser (15)
9. Great Blue Heron (2)
10. Bald Eagle (4)
11. Red-tailed Hawk (2)
12. Ring-billed Gull (1)
13. Herring Gull (15)
14. Glaucous Gull (3)
15. Great Black-backed Gull (20)
16. Mourning Dove (8)
17. Red-bellied Woodpecker (1)
18. Downy Woodpecker (2)
19. American Crow (6)
20. Black-capped Chickadee (4)
21. White-breasted Nuthatch (1)
22. Brown Creeper (3)
23. American Robin (1)
24. American Tree Sparrow (1)
25. Northern Cardinal (1)


Thanks to everyone that came out for the hike. Stay tuned as we are planning more hikes to this great property – the last remaining undeveloped shoreline in Windsor.

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Early Spring Birding at Hillman Marsh

By |2017-01-11T19:13:49-05:00April 15th, 2013|Field Trips|

On April 14, 2013, the Essex County Field Naturalists’ headed out to Hillman Marsh with Kory Renaud as their guide. Despite the chilly weather, a good time was enjoyed by all.  The grand total for the day was 57 species, including a good variety of waterfowl, some shorebirds, Common Loons, many Kinglets (both Golden and Ruby-crowned), and several other songbirds!

See the ebird checklist here:

Our fearless leader!


Several upgrades have been made to Hillman recently. Here, members check out the view from the new boardwalk.


Kory and Jeremy scope out the view from the new blind at the shorebird cell!


It’s shaping up to be a great Spring! Get out and enjoy some Essex County Nature!

Red-tailed Hawk

By |2017-01-11T19:13:49-05:00April 11th, 2013|Field Trips, Member's meetings|

Red-tailed Hawk

A great first outdoor meeting of the year! Come out to the next one!

Field Naturalists’ banding a Red Tailed Hawk prior to releasing it at Devonwood!


Our next outdoor members’ meeting takes place on May 8. See for details or follow us on twitter

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