Save Ojibway Shores

Ojibway Shores Natural Heritage Inventory/Evaluation Report

By |2017-09-11T21:23:52-04:00September 11th, 2017|Environmental projects, Save Ojibway Shores|

The Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club, with permission from the Windsor Port Authority, and in partnership with the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup, Citizen Environment Alliance and Essex Region Conservation Authority, were given the opportunity to undertake a biological inventory of the Ojibway Shores property. Data was collected solely on a volunteer basis and findings were verified by local experts.


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Tom and Kory’s Great Adventure

By |2017-01-11T19:13:49-05:00February 22nd, 2014|Field Trips, Save Ojibway Shores|


On Sunday February 16, Tom Preney and Kory Renaud lead a hike through the Ojibway shores property as part of our continued effort to survey the species present on the property. The chilly afternoon started out sunny, clouded over during the hike and yet more snow was falling by the end of our adventure.
The swift current on the river allowed for some open water and good numbers of waterfowl were present, including Scaup, Goldeneye and Mergansers. The group was excited to see 3 Glaucous Gulls! Here is our species list for the day:

1. Canada Goose (2)
2. Mute Swan (11)
3. Canvasback (40)
4. Redhead (4)
5. Greater Scaup (125)
6. Common Goldeneye (40)
7. Common Merganser (50)
8. Red-breasted Merganser (15)
9. Great Blue Heron (2)
10. Bald Eagle (4)
11. Red-tailed Hawk (2)
12. Ring-billed Gull (1)
13. Herring Gull (15)
14. Glaucous Gull (3)
15. Great Black-backed Gull (20)
16. Mourning Dove (8)
17. Red-bellied Woodpecker (1)
18. Downy Woodpecker (2)
19. American Crow (6)
20. Black-capped Chickadee (4)
21. White-breasted Nuthatch (1)
22. Brown Creeper (3)
23. American Robin (1)
24. American Tree Sparrow (1)
25. Northern Cardinal (1)


Thanks to everyone that came out for the hike. Stay tuned as we are planning more hikes to this great property – the last remaining undeveloped shoreline in Windsor.

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By |2017-01-11T19:13:49-05:00June 27th, 2013|Environment, Environmental projects, Save Ojibway Shores, Uncategorized|

The Port Authority is planning the clear cutting of Ojibway Shores! Ojibway Shores has over 12 hectares of woodlot, a marshy pond and 430 metres of natural Detroit River shoreline. Ojibway Shores acts as a wildlife linkage or corridor between the Detroit River and the interior significant sites of the Ojibway complex including Black Oak Woods, Ojibway Park, Ojibway Prairie, and Spring Garden ANSI. We cannot allow it to be developed!

Please attend the Public Meeting on July 3rd, 2013 at 6:30pm at Mackenzie Hall to show the Port Authority that you do not support the destruction of such important natural habitat! The more people come the stronger our message to the Port Authority!


 Extended Abstract

 Phil Roberts Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club

Tom Henderson Detroit River Canadian Cleanup, Chair – Public Advisory Council.

Derek Coronado Citizen Environment Alliance


Ojibway Shores as the key stone property (Windsor Port Authority owned property) is 33.6 acres (13.5 ha) with approximately 500 linear meters of natural (undeveloped) shoreline. The additional linkage with city owned lands (including Black Oaks) is an additional 210.3 acres (85.1 ha). Total linkage potential from the Detroit River into the Ojibway Complex is approximately 250 acres (101.0 ha) (with a few smaller parcels included). The overall shoreline potential is over 1250 m (1¼ km) in a natural state or with potential to restore based on ecological design for the bridge plaza complex and the Brighton Beach Power Plant.


  • Last remaining stretch of undeveloped, natural shoreline in Windsor on the Detroit River.
  • Last remaining opportunity to physically link the Detroit River directly to the Ojibway Complex.
  • Size and location significant to function as an ecological connection.
  • Has existing Carolinian features (flora / fauna) and good “parent material” for habitat enhancement process.
  • Currently supporting native species from a “soft” shoreline and river bottom.
  • Is in close proximity to potential additional shoreline projects.


  • Opportunity to enhance and restore swamp wetland features, Carolinian forest habitats and create coastal wetland.
  • Current native cover substantiates restoration projects to further lengthen and naturalize shoreline and restore and enhance existing natural features and links, use ecological design to create linkage and corridors over / through existing barriers.
  • Address and mitigate identified Beneficial Use Impairments (BUI) from the Stage 2 Detroit River Remedial Action Plan (RAP), principally the Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat, Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations, Degradation of Benthos, and Degradation of Aesthetics. Opportunity to re-establish fish, benthonic and terrestrial species as well as enhance existing habitat for identified species at risk (Butler’s Gartersnake, Eastern Fox Snake, Massassaga Rattlesnake, Bald Eagle, Cerulean Warbler, Northern Saw-whet Owl, Mollusc sp. (Riffleshells), Whitefish, Lake Sturgeon, etc)
  • A good opportunity to establish passive recreational connection for the public to the shoreline of the Detroit River from Hon Herb Gray Parkway (expanded trail network).
  • Establish the first component of an International Wildlife Refuge for the Canadian side of the Detroit River complimenting the established United States Detroit River IWR. This is qualified by the connection to the Ojibway Complex, an area of national and international scientific interest also complimenting the newly established Priority Natural Areas register.
  • Address environmental and species compensation required from DRIC Plaza and Bridge Crossing footprint.
  • To improve the aesthetics of the Detroit River and gateway into Windsor and Canada.



Federal and Provincial Policy Statement(s)       Ecological linkage and corridor, Coastal wetlands a priority

Detroit River Canadian Cleanup                              Habitat Working Group (Priority Habitat Areas Report)

(Federal, Provincial Municipal and                       Public Advisory Council (Linkage Benefits Report – Draft)

Citizen partners)                                                            RAP Stage 2 (Beneficial Use Impairments)

City Of Windsor                                                             Gateways (City of Windsor Council Report / Resolution(s))

Black Oak / Ojibway Complex ANSI, SAR (OMB)

DRIC / Transport Canada                                        Plaza/ Bridge Crossing – CEPA recommendations for habitat compensation

Government of Canada                                            Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge (Canadian Component)

Brighton Beach Power Generation                   Naturalize shoreline (Shoreline agreement / Public relations)


Challenge: Lack of Significant Species identified (Preliminary investigations have not found species at risk)                          Prospective: The property by location alone is significant as a remaining viable link from the Detroit River to Ojibway Complex.  SAR likely, detailed investigation is required.

Challenge:  Site heavily disturbed (Destructive recreational use / trespassing)|
Prospective: Habitat restoration opportunities good with existing flora / woodlot composition.  Security for the site will likely increase with security from the establishment of border service agencies occupying the DRIC plaza.

Challenge:  Existing barriers to corridors, connection, linkage (Essex Terminal Rail / Ojibway Parkway)
Prospective: Ecological design for plaza with highway connection and approaches could create and enhance linkage / reestablish drainage connections (green infrastructure, riparian drains, etc).

Challenge: Potential economic / industrial development (Positioned between dock / rail / international crossing)
Prospective: Property is limited in size for multi-modal hub concepts, the region is identifying opportunities for “inland port” concepts. The public interest may be best served with this as green gateway vs. industrial gateway.

Challenge:  Ownership / potential revenue source  (Revenue for Port operations from leases, tonnage fees)
Prospective:  Potential revenue options for the Port Authority could include sale / trust,long-term lease, eco-tariff on new bridge crossing, land swaps (the City of Windsor has a 3-4 million dollar liability to service this property for development).


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