Earth Day Bake Sale
Written by Cathy Lapain for The Egret – Issue 35 – Number 1

Sunday April 28, 2019 Please join us at Malden park for a Heritage Committee fundraiser 10:00a.m. to 3:00pm. Looking for volunteers to donate bake goods and help at the booth (2 hour shifts or whatever you can do) (You do not need to belong to the Heritage Committee). Please contact Cathy Lapain at ">. We need many bake goods to make this fundraiser a success, so please donate generously. If you cannot help by donating baked goods or helping out at the booth, please drop by and buy some goodies! If you are donating cookies or squares please packaged in 6’s or 12’s for easy pricing. Please cover all baked goods with clear plastic wrap.
As many people have allergies or restricted diets, it would be helpful if you could label all baked goods with a list of ingredients.
Thanks! See you there
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