By Jennifer Nantais

As the world prepares to celebrate our 50th Earth Day, protests continue, though the focus has changed. Concerns over pollution and the ozone layer have made way for what has clearly become the greatest threat to life on earth, Climate Change.

What was once a topic for debate, climate change has sadly entered our popular culture by affecting people’s everyday lives as people all over the globe experience an increase in weather patterns and extreme conditions causing fire, drought, flood, food shortage and property loss causing cities and governments all around the world to declare a climate emergency in 2019.

Environmental advocates continue to feel disheartened while parties debate and pit mitigation measures against economic interests, yet every government has been forced to address the issue in some way or another, with more attention and funds allocated to the fight than in past years.

We still have a long way to go, but 2019 seemed a turning point in consciousness as Greta Thunberg speaks for all of us who seek to ask questions, sign petitions, make conscious choices, or get out there with the rest of the world and protest. Whatever you do, don’t give up.

Happy 50th Earth Day!