Welcome to our club for kids!

This is your place to connect with the Junior Egrets, explore educational resources, find fun nature-themed activities, watch wildlife through videos, expand your nature knowledge and share about your adventures and discoveries!

Junior Egrets

About the Junior Egrets

The Junior Egrets is the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club for kids. The goal of the Junior Egrets program is to inspire and support a community of young field naturalists by providing opportunities for kids to connect with nature and each other. Events under the Junior Egrets program are tailored to all ages. We encourage families to come out and participate in outings with local experts.

Upcoming events

New Events to be announced soon!

Junior Egrets

Here’s some activities you can do!


Check out some of these nature videos!


Essex County Nature’s Youtube Channel

Feeder Cam from Ontario

Saving the Fowler’s Toad


Algonquin Park Earth Cam

Monarch Migration

Mudpuppy Night


Black Bears with Rick Mercer

Helping Turtles Cross the Road

The Wonder of Ojibway Prairie

Recipe for Massasauga Recovery

Searching for Woodland Caribou

Junior Egrets

Let’s learn together

Here are some family friendly resources to help you learn more about nature!


Here’s where we’ll share some local nature sightings. Please also share your nature sightings with us!

Share your sightings or send your questions and suggestions to us!