The Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club’s first Love Nature photo contest is open to all residents of Windsor/Essex County. Show us your love of nature. Send us a photo you have taken anywhere in Windsor/Essex County between March 15 and September 30, 2020. The club will share the photos on the Essex County Nature website. We’ll also share them on our Facebook page and everyone can ‘like’ their favourites. Then the judges will pick the winners.
Junior Egrets (under 12 years)
Teens (12 to 17 years)
Adults (18 years and older)
Winners will have bragging rights plus:
All Jr Egrets Teens Adult
1st 2021 family membership + hummingbird feeder hummingbird feeder egret print
2nd 2021 family membership + backyard bird songs book fish book fish book
3rd 2021 family membership
Contest Rules
- Open to all Windsor/Essex County residents.
- Photos must be taken in Windsor/Essex County between March 15and Sept. 30, 2020.
- All types of cameras and devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) can be used to take the photos.
- We welcome all kinds of photos that show your love of nature. Pictures with individuals are not allowed.
- Photos can be cropped. They cannot be edited or enhanced in any other way.
- Deadline for submitting photos is September 30, 2020.
- The limit per person is three entries.
- A panel of Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club board members will select the winning photos.
Winning Entries
- Winners will be notified by email or phone.
- Winning photos will be published on the club’s website and social media outlets.
- Photos of all 1st prize winners will be printed and raffled off during a club meeting once they resume.
Submission Guidelines
- Email your photos to Aileen at: %20"> in a jpeg format and at least 1MB in size.
- Include the following information with your photo:
- One sentence description of your photo.
- Where it was taken.
- Date it was taken.
- Your name, address, phone number and email address.
- Age if you are under 18 years old. If the photographer is under 18, a parent or guardian must complete and sign written permission document below, which should be submitted with the photo.
- We will not publish your contact information; only your name and the description, location and date of the photo.
Publishing and copyright
- By submitting a photo, you represent and warrant that you took the photo and retain the copyright to it.
- By submitting a photo to the contest, the entrant hereby grants the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club the right to use the photo submitted. The Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club will have the rights to use the image digitally to: (a) publish on its website, Essex County Nature, and in its newsletter, The Egret; (b) promote the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club; and (c) promote the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr and other social media outlets.
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