By Paul Pratt

The third Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas starts January 2021 and continues to the end of 2025. Earlier atlas projects ran from 1981 to 1985 and 2001 to 2005. During the second atlas participants logged 150,000 hours of field time and submitted 1.2 million individual breeding bird records, an amazing achievement.

An atlas square is 10 km X 10 km in size. In Essex County there are 36 full or partial atlas squares. During the last atlas 151 species were recorded with breeding evidence. Volunteers are needed to document breeding behaviour in each atlas square over the next five years.

Now is a great time to start investigating which breeding birds are in your neighbourhood and local birding patch. If you want to see what was found in the Essex Region or a particular square during the last atlas visit:

If you are interested in volunteering to atlas breeding birds please contact Paul Pratt or Karen Cedar, the regional atlas coordinators.

Karen Cedar
Ojibway Nature Centre

Paul Pratt

Distribution of the 10km x 10km atlas squares across Essex County
Example of the information found on the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas – Relative abundance of the Red-bellied woodpecker