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Latest News

Fall Phrag Fighters

By Aileen Petrozzi Fall was a great for our Phrag fighters. Working with the city of Windsor we tackled Blue Heron Pond.  The City of Windsor had sprayed the land Phragmites in September. Each time we came back we saw the poison work down to the roots.  The plant usually dies back from the bottom up. Herbicide sprayed at the top causes the plant to die from top to down. Seeing this in action was [...]

October Meeting Recap: Controversial History of Taxonomy

By Sheila Laurin At the October meeting guest presenter and club member Grant Munroe gave a wonderful talk on the tricky subject of the history of taxonomy.  Here is my brief summary of this:  Folk taxonomy began with early people who formed a common naming of plants and animals in their community and used these groupings in everyday business. The country Papua New Guinea has a huge diversity in flora and fauna that has been [...]

The Club Celebrates 40 Years at the Ontario Field Ornithologists Convention 

By Jeremy Hatt Paul Pratt presents on celebrating 40 years of ECFNC at the Friday Night “Birds and Beers”  Every other year, the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) hosts their Annual Convention in Leamington and Point Pelee National Park. This year the Convention was held from September 20-22. Birders and bird-enthusiasts travel from across Ontario to attend the Convention, which consists of a "Birds and Beers" social gathering on Friday night and a banquet Saturday night, [...]

Festival of Hawks at Holiday Beach

By Jeremy Hatt Every year in September the Holiday Beach Migration Observatory and Essex Regional Conservation Authority host the Festival of Hawks at Holiday Beach, a popular event in Essex County that highlights the spectacular migration of raptors through our area each fall. "Hawk Fest" includes many exciting activities from banding raptors and passerines to observing hawks migrating over the Hawk Tower to presentations and walks.  ECFNC had a table display at the event this [...]

Memorial Plaque for Betty Learmouth

Lil’ Reg is pleased to announce that Betty’s Plaque has been installedbeside our Commemorative Boulder and Tree.Over the years, this has become a cherished place for our members to visitand reflect in a serene natural setting. Our volunteers have contributedtime, effort and funds to create this peaceful natural area.We have truly appreciated the support of Essex County Nature to helpcreate and install Betty’s plaque. As well, we are very pleased with the Cityof Windsor for [...]

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